
Two Burnt to Death in Truck Crash in Nigeria

A prominent reporter has obtained a report of a truck accidentwhich happened in Lagos, Nigeria. It is thought that at least two people died as a result of the accident, and many other people experienced a number of different injuries.

The accident was caused when four fully loaded petroleum tankers struck a semi-truck which was not parked particularly well in the road. The truck was loaded with iron rods and it’s suspected that one of the trucks first hit an iron rod before colliding with the truck itself.

This accident is said to of caused havoc for the country’s most important city. The witness explains that when an accident like this happens it will shut down many roads for hours, in exactly the same way as in the US.

Eye witnesses who were close to the event as it unfolded were a school bus driver. He explained that the accident happened at around 6:30 in the morning. He said that the tanker truck crashed into another truck because it was trying to avoid hitting a bus which overtook it.

The school bus driver explained that he was going about his normal duties when he heard a loud explosion. When he looked around there was a fireball which caused him to do a U-turn and get out of the area as quickly as possible. After parking his bus he then went back to the scene of the truck accident. He said that the vehicle which the tanker crashed into had two passengers.

Lots of people tried to save the victims inside the burning wreckage of the vehicles. However, because of the extent of the fire, and the extreme heat, it was impossible.

The local police department confirmed that the deaths and offered his sympathy to the families involved. The police were notified about the accident at 6:45 and were on the scene by 7:10.

This accident was so serious that it caused the police to shut all the lanes of the highway for several hours. One lane was able to be opened later on in the day, but normal traffic flow did not resume for quite a long time. Queens and Staten Island have had similar accidents.

If any of your employees are involved in a truck crash then you should hire a New York Truck Accident Attorney. A New York Truck Accident Attorney will help you to defend your employee from being accused that they made mistakes or errors.

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