
Woman Files Lawsuit Against Truck Driver

As part of our ongoing investigative and reporting efforts, a rep strives to not only bring you the latest in truck accident investigations and reports, but also writes about when certain legal cases are presented that are of interest to our readers. As a matter of policy, a Lawyer does not specifically mention names of those persons that are involved in the legal system in any manner. This not only protects those persons who are desirous of maintaining their privacy, but also helps to avoid any confusion between certain stories that we cover.

A Missouri woman has filed legal suit in St. Clair County Circuit Court on February 9 against trucking company Empire Express of Memphis, TN. The suit alleges that the plaintiff was injured when one of the company’s drivers reportedly struck her vehicle in the rear with the truck on June 17, 2009.

The suit further alleges that she sustained permanent injuries to her head and lumbar spine as a result of the driver having rear-ended her vehicle. The suit further alleges that she has suffered great pain and mental anguish due to her injuries and blames the driver that has been named in the suit. The woman has also stated within her complaint that, “she incurred medical costs and has been deprived of participating in her normal life activities.”

The incident in question occurred as the plaintiff was sitting in traffic and waiting her turn to enter the entrance to I-44 in St. Louis, MO, on her way home. It was at this point that the driver of the truck struck her vehicle from behind, thereby causing her injuries. As a part of her complaint, she states that the truck driver “negligently drove without keeping a proper lookout, failed to keep his vehicle under control, drove too fast, failed to decrease his speed and followed Hollis-Bentley’s vehicle too closely.” As of this writing, a study has not determined whether the truck driver received a citation for the accident brought forth in this lawsuit. The plaintiff is seeking monetary damages in this case of between $50,000 and $75,000, plus costs. This would happen in Nassau and Suffolk also.

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