This particular truck accident was logged in as one of the worst anyone had even seen. What happened? A semi careened into a line of stopped traffic, killing five and injuring at least 10 others, some very severely reported the observer.
The most shocking aspect of this story is that the driver of the big rig did not even pause or give any signs of slowing down, even with a line of stopped cars in front of him. The cars were stopped at the site of a previous accident to allow EMS crews to do their work.
When the semi hit the end of the line, the whole line bunched up like an accordion, leaving death and destruction in its wake. The police report indicated that there were no skid marks involved in this truck wreck and that the truck was doing 70 mph when it hit the last car in the line, said the police. According to witnesses, the trucker was driving erratically just prior to being involved in the accident.